Thursday, May 29, 2014

Thursday Thoughts

*Disclosure: This post contains affiliate/referral links*

I am linking with with Jen at Ramblings of a Suburban Mom today!

First, I want to start off with something that has been bugging me ALL week. I use Blogger to write my blog on, obviously. Well, it won't keep my links in my posts blue so everyone knows to click on it. I have tried everything. Highlighting and re-selecting the color, nothing. But, it is not all of my links, just about half. Which really drives me bonkers. Does anyone know how to fix this? I have searched high and low on the web for solutions. P.S. I use Safari vs. IE.

We spent more time in the pool this week. J has come a long way in being so scared. Now, he will get in the water and lay inside of an inner tube or float. I am hoping just being in the water and around it will help him get adjusted and be comfortable in the water. Does anyone have any ideas to help?!
FYI, here is a link to buy that adorable hat, Melissa and Doug Sunny Patch Happy Giddy Hat ($7.14). I really like how it covers the back of his neck too. The glasses are here, Kidz Banz ($12.75). They have an adjustable fabric around them that make the comfortable, but also hold them in place! We usually have an issue with J taking regular glasses on and off all day. Finally, the life jacket, Stearn's Kids Puddle Jumper Deluxe Life Jacket, I HIGHLY recommend this. It is comfortable for kids and keeps them safe. The blow up water wings are cute but will not very safe. This holds J up and will not flip upside down and hold him under. It was so worth the money. 

We had some really scary weather last week. Tornados covering many counties around us. It was so bad it knocked over several large trees onto the neighbor's cars, pulled off people's shingles on their houses, quarter size hail, it was not fun. Anyways, we have an emergency pack all ready to go in case anything happens. I will try to do a review on what is in our pack soon. We have first aid, food, batteries, medicine, clothes, rope, radio, flashlights, you know all of the emergency stuff.
 I found this really cool radio awhile back. It is hand cranked and is a radio plus a phone charger PLUS a flash light (comes with a set of cords that fit most phones). I really like the options on this. The fact is is able to be powered through batteries, hand crank, or solar power is amazing. Another great feature is that it is not a dial radio, but digital so you do not have to fiddle with the knob trying to find a station. I need to get one for each car as well, just in case. Ambient Weather Emergency Solar Hand Crank AM/FM/NOAA Digital Radio, Flashlight, Cell Phone Charger, this is a great item to add to any emergency pack or car for special circumstances. 

I saw these American Flag Tiny TOMS and immediately fell in love (also available in kids and adult size TOMS). They are so cute! They had been sold out of J's size, but I kept checking and they were in stock!!! Something about the red, white, and blue colors together and stars and stripes is just so fashionable to me. I can't wait for these babies to come in the mail!
 I really like how the TOMS company works, for each pair of shoes sold they donate a free pair of shoes to a child in need (now extended to One for One eyewear and each bag of coffee = week of fresh water). Free shipping on $25+ and if you use the coupon code "SUMMER15" you receive $5 off a $25+ purchase. If you go through and search for TOMS they tend to have the best/highest valued coupons available. Hopefully you already use Ebates! You get money back for spending money at many many online stores. I use their site all the time. 

I have not had really any boxes this week, maybe my mail lady is lost? I should have stuff coming right? Maybe I need to check my tracking.

We are in full swing of planning vacations this summer! Where are you planning on going?

Photo Credits:
D should be hearing something about his potential job in the next 1-2 weeks, fingers crossed!!!

How are you enjoying this warm weather?

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